Personal Growth
How to Make Friends as a Socially Anxious, Introverted Adult.
Everyone says making friends is harder as an adult, which is understandable in some sense. Sadly, it’s even harder to make friends when you’re a socially anxious introvert.
Mastering Boundaries: How to Say "No" and Not Be “Rude”
Nothing gives me "the ick" more than that feeling I get after I let someone cross my boundaries. Not ever wanting to be "rude" or make someone feel uncomfortable, ashamed or rejected, I said yes to things or accepted behaviours that didn't make me feel good.
I Never Dated Before 26. Here’s Why
Not finding love in your twenties is not a life sentence.
The Perfectionism Epidemic
We live in a society where failure is seen as weakness, and anything less than perfect is seen as a failure
I’ve Ruined My Life
Many of us are prone to catastrophic thinking. We all have a moment when we think, 'I've ruined my life.' This is the story of how I ruined mine.